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Parent Newsletters

Friday Letters

At the end of each week our Executive Head Teacher, writes out to parents with a round-up of the week and information and advice on the upcoming week within our Federation.

Previous Friday letters can be found below. If you are not receiving the weekly letter, please speak to the school office on 01202 806806.

Previous Friday letters are below:

Mrs Addis’ End of Year Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ end of year letter. Wishing you all a lovely summer holiday.

Kind rergards,

The Federation Office

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Lettet to Parents -19th July

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parent’s – 12th July

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 4th July 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter, on a Thursday.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 28th June 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 21st June 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 14th June

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,

The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 7th June

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter.

Kind regards,
The Federation Office

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Letter to Parents 24th May 2024

Dear Parent/Carer, Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter. Kind regards, The Federation Office.

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Letter to Parents 17th May 2024

Dear Parent/Carer, Please find attached Mrs Addis’ latest Friday letter. Kind regards, The Federation Office.

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