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SEND – Special Educational Needs & Disability

At Livingstone Road Infant School and Livingstone Road Junior School, we strive to support children and enable them to achieve to the best of their ability. We prioritise an inclusive education for all pupils. We celebrate that all children are unique and have the potential to make excellent progress, whatever their starting point.

Quality first teaching is vital, however, if some children find it challenging to make progress, we acknowledge that adaptions may be required to ensure that those with more complex needs are given the same opportunities to thrive academically, socially and emotionally as their peers.

We believe that early identification of additional learning needs is essential – ensuring that pupils receive the right support at the right time. We work hard to help remove barriers to learning and to support our children through each stage of their learning journey.

Carly Butcher SENDCO

If you have a question, comment or complaint about our SEND provision:

We hope that any concerns can be addressed quickly by speaking to the relevant staff. However If you are a parent and you have a comment or complaint about our SEND provision that has not been dealt with satisfactorily through this channel, you can address it to our SENDCO named above either via the school office email address, or by arranging an appointment on 01202 806806.

If you still do not feel the matter is resolved you may contact our Executive Head Teacher via the school office.

You may also escalate your issue to our Chair of Governors who will evaluate the matter and decide on further action if neccessary.

Rhys Hatchard,

c/o Livingstone Road Infant School,Livingstone Road,Poole, BH12 3DT
